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We strive to train students to pursue their God-given purposes in a Christ-centered environment of educational excellence.

Whether you’re looking for a place for your baby or a place for your 12th grader, Ascension Christian may have a place for you.
While there are times that we can not accommodate every request for admission, we promise to assess your needs thoroughly and efficiently to make the best decision to support your needs.

With confidence, we will be happy to meet with you to discuss your situation. Before you begin the application process, please connect with our admissions team below based on your child’s age or grade level. They will guide you through the process.

Ascension Christian School is listed in several scholarship programs listed below. If you are interested in applying for any of these scholarships, please review the information on their websites for deadlines and applications.

Thank you for your interest in Ascension Christian Schools.

Ascension Christian Schools admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the organization. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other organization-administered programs.


For NEW STUDENT Admissions, it begins with connecting to the Admissions Department. 

You may also APPLY HERE !



Applying To ACS

  • If you’d like more information or you would like to schedule a tour, contact Kay Bergeron at 225-590-3153 or email at We’d love to meet you and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about being a part of the Ascension Christian family. We look forward to meeting you soon. 

  • All applications must be submitted with the following documents:


    Required Documents for Online Application

    • Birth Certificate
    • Social Security Card
    • Immunization Records
    • Recent Standardized Test Scores
    • Recent Transcript/ Report Cards
    • Most recent standardized test scores (grades 3-12). Acceptable standardized test scores for grades 3–10 include Stanford, LEAP,  ACT, Aspire, etc. High School Junior and Senior applicants must have qualifying ACT scores.
    • Disciplinary Report from current school.
    • 504 Plan (if applicable)
    • Court Documents (if applicable)

    Referral Forms and Surveys

    • Two letters of recommendation (cannot be written by a family member) (Grades 8-12 Only)
    • Non-refundable application fee of $22


    Admissions Testing & Screening $100 Fee

    After you apply, your child will be scheduled for their entrance assessment and interview with Administration. Payment for testing can be paid in the front office. We cannot test or interview without a completed application.

    Elementary applicants will receive a call once scores are evaluated. Junior High and Highschool will be notified via mail/email upon which an interview will be scheduled.


    Admission Criteria & Decisions

    • Pre-K and K applicants must be four years old by September 30th of the school year.
    • K – 10th grade applicants must have a qualifying score on the ACH entrance test.
    • 11th-12th grade applicants must have a qualifying score on the ACT OR ACH entrance test.
    • 5th-12th grade applicants must have at least a 2.0 overall grade point average.
    • 7th-12th grade applicants must have a satisfactory interview with Administration.
    • A record of good behavior and attendance from the previous school.

    Once the above process is complete, the admissions committee will prayerfully consider your child’s application. You will receive your child’s admissions decision via mail or email.


    Enrollment Contract

    ​​​​​​​To secure your child’s enrollment at ACS for 2024-2025, Registration Fees are collected at the completion of the FACTS Online Enrollment. Select your payment plan prior to completing the packet. Financial agreements are signed as part of this process. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.


    After these application deadlines have passed, applications will be considered on a space available basis. Please call Admissions at 225-590-3153.

  • How is Christian faith integrated into the curriculum and daily life of the school?
    ■ Every class begins with prayer.
    ■ Lessons are tied back to Biblical truths

    What is the school's approach to teaching biblical principles?
    ■ Constant exposure to Biblical truths
    ■ Memorizing scriptures, attending weekly chapels, student retreats and/or Spiritual Emphasis week twice a year
    ■ Using the Bible to disciple students

    How does the school balance academic excellence with spiritual development?
    ■ Character before content
    ■ Love before lessons
    ■ Relationships before rigor
    ■ Spiritual development is the foundation to then provide academic xcellence.

    What is the school's stance on specific biblical doctrines or denominations?
    ■ Everyone is a child of God, if they believe in Jesus Christ then they are
    welcome to attend.

    What is the typical class size, and what is the student-teacher ratio?
    ■ 24:1 is the largest in the middle and high schools; fewer students in classes in the elementary and ELC

    What extracurricular activities and clubs are offered?

    • ■ Worship Team
    • ■ Cheer
    • ■ Archery
    • Athletics
    • Piano/Orchestra
    • BETA Club
    • National Honor Society
    • 4-H (ACE only)

    How does the school handle disciplinary issues?
    ■ Ascension Christian school leaders use Positive Behavior strategies as part of the schools process for encouraging students to be their best at all times. When situations arise school leaders use the Bible to disciple students first. Parents are notified of any disciplanary actions taken involving their child. 

    What is the school's policy on bullying and harassment?
    ■ School employees do their best to handle any instance of bullying quickly, and issue
    consequences accordingly. Bullying is not tolerated.

    What is the school's mission and vision?
    ■ We strive to train students to pursue their God-given purpose in a Christ-centered environment of educational excellence.

    What is the school's curriculum?
    ■ K4/ K5
    ● ABeka = Bible, Phonics, Handwriting, Math; Teacher
    supplemented, Reading & Social Living/Science

    ■ 1st/2nd
    ● ABeka = Bible, Spelling, Phonics, Language, Handwriting, Math,
    ● Harcourt = Science & Social Studies
    ■ 3rd/ 4th
    ● ABeka = Bible, Handwriting (3rd)
    ● Harcourt = Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, Language,
    ● Empowering Writers = Writing Composition
    ■ 5th
    ● Harcourt= Reading, Language, Math
    ● Discovery Education Techbook = Science
    ● Bob Jones = Social Studies

    ■ 6th
    ● ABeka = Bible
    ● Harcourt = Math
    ● Discovery Education Techbook = Science
    ● Bob Jones = Social Studies
    ● Prentice Hall = Reading & Language

    7-12 uses various state approved curricula. For a detailed review of the high school course content, please see that information in the high school section. Students can take advanced level courses including college credit classes as well as AP classes. 

    What is the tuition cost, and are there any financial aid or scholarship opportunities available? See the Tuition Schedule on the tab below.

    What is the school's dress code policy?
    ■ Bottoms: All uniform bottoms shall be appropriately sized with a regular fitting inseam: not tight fitting, not loose fitting. “Sagging” is not allowed. Pants must fit at the waist and be properly hemmed. Girls are permitted to wear ONLY Bermuda style shorts. No “jegging” or” legging”style pants will be allowed. Skorts must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. ONLY K4-K5 students may wear khaki jumpers with navy or khaki shorts underneath. Navy leggings may be worn under khaki jumpers during winter months ONLY. Boys shorts can be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee and no longer than 2 inches below the knee. No cargo pants or excessive pockets. The pants pockets should be no more than two on the front and two on the back. 

    ■ Tops: Uniform shirts are required. All uniform shirts must be purchased through the school vendor in only orange, gray, or navy with the approved logo. Belts should be used to keep pants properly fitted. Belts must be moderately sized and compliment attire.
    ■ Outerwear: Ascension Christian sweatshirts and jackets purchased through the school vendor are the ONLY approved outerwear permitted in the classroom and school buildings. A uniform t-shirt must be worn underneath jackets and sweatshirts. Outerwear may not be used to bypass dress code or cover up dress code violations.

    What are the school's expectations regarding parental involvement and volunteer opportunities?
    ■ We absolutely love for our parents to be involved as often as their schedule allows. We have multiple events where we encourage parents to attend like Chapel, Thanksgiving Picnic, Music Recitals, etc. We also have numerous parent volunteer groups that help on campus weekly.

    How does the school handle emergency situations and crisis management? Ascension Christian has an Emergency Plan in place that is coordinated with local law enforcement and emergency services. Drills are routinely practiced under the direction of school leaders and the school’s Safety and Security Coordinator.

    What is the school's policy on technology use and screen time?
    ■ Students in K4 through 1st grade have access to a class set of iPads.
    ■ Students in 2nd graders have a class of Chromebooks. 3rd-6th grade are 1:1 with a Chromebook provided from home. The higher the grade level the more their work is digital. 3rd graders submit roughly 50% of their work on their Chromebooks. 4th graders submit roughly 75% of their work on their Chromebooks, and so on.

  • The school calendar provides an overview of the year including holidays, staff development days, 9 weeks, etc. In the event that there is a change to the calendar, we will notify you as soon as possible. 

    2024-2025 School Calendar

    2025-2026 School Calendar

  • For families who could benefit from a scholarship to Ascension Christian please see the following programs in Louisiana:

    ACE Scholarships

    ARETE Scholarships

    La GATOR